When you give the right input, they flourish


With over 30 years of experience as a speech and language therapist in both the NHS and private sectors, I am confident in my ability to assist your child. I offer private, comprehensive, and tailored consultations in the comfort of your home, as well as in educational settings, creating a personalised care package to help your child achieve their full potential. My expertise spans a wide range of speech, language, and communication skills, including attention and listening, play skills, speech sounds, language comprehension, verbal expression, symbol use, and social communication. As a mother of two neurologically diverse children, I deeply understand the challenges of raising a child with communication difficulties and the impact it has on your family. This insight is at the core of my practice.

Conditions treated

  • Articulation and phonology

  • Attention related difficulties (ADD, ADHD)

  • Auditory Processing Disorder

  • Behavioural difficulties

  • Cleft palate

  • Developmental Language Disorder

  • Dyspraxia/Childhood Apraxia of speech

  • Early childhood language development

  • Language disorder

  • Mainstream Schools

  • Play skills

  • Prevention

  • Social and emotional difficulties

Age ranges treated

  • Preschool

  • Primary School